A study on the Coreoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) fauna of Amasya province



In this study, 2 species belonging to 1 genera of the Stenocephalidae family, 13 species belonging to 8 genera of the Rhopalidae family, 3 species belonging to 2 genera of the Alydidae family and 16 species belonging to 11 genera of the Coreidae family have been recorded from surrounding Amasya. Of them, 29 species are new records for the Heteroptera fauna of Amasya and Brachycarenus languidus, Agraphopus suturalis, Coriomeris alpinus and Corizus brevicornis for the Black Sea region of Turkey. 20 species origin of Holomediterranean, 3 species origin of Irano-Turanian, 3 species origin of Pontomediterranean, 3 species origin of Euro-Siberian, 2 species origin of Mediterranean, 2 species origin of cosmopolitan, 1 species Endemic have been recorded from Amasya.

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