The First Locality Data of The Boreal-Montane Species Amblyodon dealbatus (Meesiaceae, Bryophyta) in Türkiye

Tülay EZER, Harun ÇULHA, Ahmet UYGUR, Ali KESKİN, Mevlüt ALATAŞ, Nevzat BATAN


In this study, the first locality record of Amblyodon dealbatus (Hedw.) P.Beauv. collected from the Bolkar Mountains in Türkiye are given. Amblyodon dealbatus, which is included in the bryophyte checklists of Türkiye but whose locality in Türkiye are unknown so far, is given with photographs and its ecology and distribution in Türkiye are described in detail.


Bolkar Mountains, Bryophytes, Mosses, Türkiye

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