Investigations on morphology of the European Hornet (Vespa crabro) nest and biological development situations of the larvae



In this study, the nest morphology of the bee species of Vespa crabro (Linnaeus, 1758), known as the European Giant Hornet has been studied and illustrated. It was found that the nests had an approximate height of 33-60 cm, a diameter of 20-40 cm and 3-9 floors, and cells on each floor. It has been found that a thin and fragile board of wood is constructed from the stems of plant fibers and bees own saliva. It was also found that the larvae - young individuals were present at the same time in the cells of the comb, where the biological progression (instar phases) was identical. As a period of three years of observations and analysis, it has been found that the bees do not have the same old nest and the nest size is not the same, which is thought to be due to weather conditions, seasonal changes and plant flora.


Vespa crabro, Hornet, European Giant Hornet, Morphology.

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