An in vivo study on the use of local phaseolus shoots in food

Eda GÜNEŞ, Gülsüm Rabia ŞAHİN


Legumes grown and consumed all over the world except for the polar regions are used in human nutrition as the main source of plant protein for thousands of years.Although the legumes are rich in minerals, dietary fiber and B vitamins. However, it is known that the activity of phenolic, bioactive compounds, ascorbic acid and antioxidants increases after germination and sprouting in bean seeds. It was aimed to determining nutritional usege of shoots obtained by germination of commercial (Uzbekistan, Mersin) and regional (Malatya) bean varieties (fresh and uncooked). In this direction oxidation quantity and antioxidant activity are defined providing that Drosophila melanogaster as model organism is fed on bean shooted during the larval phase. Despite the fact that larval malondialdehit (MDA) quantities seem similar as statistical after nutrition, Glutatyon-S-Trasferoz (GST) activity of larvae that are fed on regional beans is defined higher. Either this result is originated from storage and hiding condition which commercial products getting rich according to vitamin or gene source of the regional bean is thought. Findings obtained; even if bean sprouts show that they can be used as an antioxidant source in nutrition, they are needed extensive studies on safely usage in terms of creatures.


Mung bean, Sprouted, Drosophila, Nutrition, Antioxidant.

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