Records of some Braconidae species (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea) from Gürün (Sivas) and Ilgaz Montain (Kastamonu)



Abstract: In order to determine Braconidae fauna of Turkey, adult specimens of Braconidae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea) were collected from some habitats of Gürün and  Ilgaz  Montain  using Malaise and light traps and sweeping nets among 2015, 2017 and 2018. Obtained material was prepared and according modern taxonomic rules and appropriately labeled. Relevant literature and comparison material available in our collection was used for taxonomical examiation of the material collected. The altitudes and coordinates of localities, collection dates are given. In total, 35 species belonging 10 subfamilies The species Aleiodes (Neorhogas) fortipes, Macrocentrus nidulator, Microchelonus (Microchelonus) eximius, Opius (Ilicopius) solymosae are new to the fauna of Turkey.


Sivas, Gürün, Ilgaz, Braconidae, Hymenoptera, Fauna, Ichneumonoidea.

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