EurAsian Fish Index with Web Based Software (EAFI 1.0)

Erdoğan ÇİÇEK, Alper GÖRGÜN, Orçun BAĞRA, Sevil SUNGUR


Sustainable use of water is a renewable resource, can be achieved by managing quality, not only quantity. Although the use of Biotic Indexes has a recent history in the evaluation and monitoring of ecosystem quality status, the prospect is increasing day by day. Fish are considered as important indicator organisms in these indices. The use of biotic integrity index in Turkey is in the initial stage. The Eurasian Fish Index (EAFI 1.0) unique to Turkey, the first index that fish use as biological elements, has been developed. In addition, web based software has been developed and general usage has been opened in order to be able to apply the index. In this study, baseline of the EAFI 1.0 are explained. By the way, the EAFI 1.0 software is used to calculate index value is represented in this study.


Biotic index, Turkey, ecologic quality, EFI+, biologic monitoring

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