Some records of Caucasian Parsley Frog and Caucasian Salamander from Eastern Blacksea Region, Turkey

Kerim ÇİÇEK, Batuhan Yaman Yakın, Murat Afsar, Dinçer Ayaz, Cemal Varol Tok


Here, we report some new localities for Caucasian parsley frog from Giresun (Cımbırtlık, Dereli and Gelevera River) and Caucasian Salamander from Gümüşhane (Kocadal and Kalis River) based on our fieldwork conducted in 2017. These new localities have filled in the gap in the both species’ distribution range in Blacksea Region, Turkey. Besides, we updated their distribution maps for future conservation and management studies.


Amphibia, Caucasian Parsley Frog, Caucasian Salamander, new record, distribution

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