Some biological characteristics of surmullet, Mullus surmuletus Linnaeus, 1758 in the Sea of Marmara

Murat ŞİRİN, Mukadder ARSLAN İHSANOĞLU, İsmail Burak DABAN, Ali İŞMEN, Haşim İNCEOĞLU, Engin KOCABAŞ, Gençtan Erman UĞUR, Alpaslan KARA, Habib BAL


Mullus surmuletus is one of the economically important species which was investigated in this study. Length-weight relationship, age, growth parameters, reproductive season, length-at –first maturity and mortality parameters were determined in the Sea of Marmara. Samples were collected between March 2017 and December 2018 at 34 stations with trawl net. In totally 2486 Mullus surmuletus were sampled, total length and weight ranged from 8.7 cm to 23.7 cm in total length (TL) and from 6.01 g to 141.92 g in weight. The length-weight relationships were estimated as W=0.0084*L3.09, W=0.0081*TL3.10, W=0.0099*TL3.03 for both sexes, females, and males respectively. The growth parameters were calculated for females L=25.60 cm TL, K=0.21 y-1 and t0=-2.69 y, and for males as L=17.72 cm TL, K=0.34 y-1 and t0=-2.78 y. The length-at-first maturity for female and male individuals were determined as L50 = 12.5 cm, L50 = 11.9 cm, respectively. According to monthly values of the gonadosomatic index and gonad stages, spawning period of M.surmuletus was found from May to July.



Age, growth, reproduction, Mullus surmuletus, Sea of Marmara

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