Floristic assessment and habitats of community interest in the coastal area Vilun – Rana e Hedhur

Marjol MEÇO, Ermelinda MAHMUTAJ, Ajola MESITI, Petrit HODA, Lefter KASHTA, Alfred MULLAJ


From the general floristic analysis, 228 taxa are reported and they represent 182 genera, 75 families and 6.25% of the total Albanian flora. Based on phytosociological relevees carried out in the study area, 9 habitats of community interest are identified, three of which represent prioritar habitats in terms of protection and conservation (Habitats’ Direktive 92/43/EEC). Communities with Ephedra distachya L. are unfrequent and very small in the study area’s sandy dunes. They represent a unique assosation in Albania and in the Mediterranean area.


Vilun – Rana e Hedhur; flora, Directive habitat; Albanian Coastal Area

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