Spatial distribution of ichthyoplankton assemblages in Iskenderun Bay (the Eastern Mediterranean) during winter

Sinan MAVRUK, Dursun AVŞAR


The knowledge about winter ichthyoplankton assemblages in the Mediterranean is limited. This study aimed to investigate the spatial distribution of ichthyoplankton assemblages in İskenderun Bay and analyze the potential influence of environmental conditions on the distribution in January. Ichthyoplankton samples were collected from a total of 19 stations using a Bongo-60 net on January 27 and 31, 2010. As environmental covariates, mesozooplankton biomass, sea water temperature, pH, and oxygen were measured. The study determined the early life stages of 60 taxa from 15 orders and 28 families, including 23 species in the embryonic stage and 53 species in the larval stage. The average abundance of eggs was determined to be 275 eggs/10m², with the dominant species being Helicolenus dactylopterus, which accounted for 17% of all eggs. The average abundance of larvae was found to be 301 larvae/10m², with the dominant species being Gobius paganellus and Lessepsian Etrumeus golanii. Cluster and ordination analyses revealed that the ichthyoplankton assemblage, which distributed in relatively warmer waters in the southern parts of İskenderun Bay, significantly differed from the inner bay. Although similar species were encountered in both inner and outer parts, the richness and abundance were higher in the outer bay. The study highlights the importance of investigating wind-ichthyoplankton interactions in the region, suggesting that the observed differentiation in the inner and outer bay may also be influenced by local winds.


Abundance; Distribution; Comunity structure; Fish egg and larvae; Ichthyoplankton biodiversity; Levant Basin; Winter season

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