Effects of different doses of organic fertilizer on nitrate accumulation and some nutrient element content of lettuce



In this study, it is aimed to investigate the effect of organic fertilizer application on the nitrate accumulation which may cause health risks and nutrient element content of lettuce plant grown in field conditions. Chicken manure as organic fertilizer was applied at 0, 2, 4, 6 t da-1 doses and in order to compare the doses used in the plots are formed only chemical fertilizers. The trial was carried out according to the design of random blocks in 3 replicates in the Ödemis region. Applications of organic fertilizer have an important effect on lettuce nutrition especially in poor organic matter, sandy loamy soils. In the study, It was determined that manure applications statistically significant (P<0.05) increased NO3-N and total N content of lettuce leaves depending on the application. The lowest value of NO3-N in lettuce leaves was determined as 73.4 ppm in control parcels where no application and maximum values as 293.5 ppm has been found with 6 t da-1 manure application. The highest leaf nitrate content determined in this study, it was found under the risk limits for human health. It was determined that the amounts of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn in lettuce leaves increased significantly with organic fertilizer application.


Manure, Lettuce, Nitrat, Nutrient element.

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