A Review of Bioclimatic Comfort Areas Determined by the New Summer Index in Terms of Tourism in Antalya

Mustafa Cihat SANCAR, Şenay GÜNGÖR


Many methods have been used to determine the comfort situation of an environment by using the parameters that make up the climate conditions. It is aimed to determine bioclimatic comfort areas by using climate parameters obtained from 31 meteorological stations in Antalya. In this study, which is based on Geographical Information Systems, raster data was produced from spatial interpolation techniques primarily from point data. From the data obtained, new Summer Index values were generated in the GIS environment. According to the New Summer Index classification scheme in June, July and August in Antalya province, there are 5 classes of 1st Generation, 2nd Generation, 3rd Generation, 4th Generation and 5th Generation. Along the coastline in Antalya Province; 3 generations, 4 generations and 5 generations dominated in the mentioned months; Elevation increases in Elmali, Korkuteli, Ibradi, Akseki and Gundogmus districts 1 Generation and 2 Generation climate conditions are dominant. Besides, SSI values around Alanya district, Serik district, Antalya city center and surroundings, Kemer district and surroundings have always been higher compared to other areas. On the other hand, it was observed that SSI values were lower among the settlements along the coastline of Kaş, Kalkan, Demre and Kumluca districts.


Bioclimatic Comfort; Antalya; New Summer Index; Geographic Information Systems

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