Karyological characteristics of five endemic species with a natural spread in Kahramanmaraş flora

Osman GEDİK, Yusuf Ziya KOCABAS


Karyological characteristics of five endemic plant species with a natural spread in flora of Kahramanmaras province were investigated in this study. Chromosome number of investigated species was identified as 2n=14 for Salvia marashica İlçim, Celep & Doğan, 2n=34 for Stachys marashica İlçim, Çenet & Dadandi, 2n=16 for Alyssum filiforme Nyar, 2n=18 for Hyacinthella acutiloba K.Perss. & Wendelbo and 2n=20 for Iris schachtii Markgr. Karyotype characteristics of these five endemic species were determined and total chromosome lengths, karyotype formulas, centromere positions, centromere index and relative lengths were measured. Asymmetric index values were also calculated, and ideograms were generated for chromosomes of the species. Of these endemic species, karyological characteristics of Salvia marashica, Stachys marashica and Alyssum filiforme species were determined and reported for the first time with this study.


Salvia, Stachys, Alyssum, Hyacinthella, karyotype

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