Determination and Mapping of EUNIS Habitat Types of Mamak District (Ankara), Turkey

Muhammed Hakan ÇAKMAK, Zeki AYTAÇ


In this paper, habitat diversity was studied for Mamak district, which is one of the extremely active districts of Ankara in terms of a constantly growing urbanization rate. Within the scope of the research, the habitat types of the studied area were determined and mapped in accordance with EUNIS Habitat Classification by using several GIS data (CORINE Land Cover data, forest stand maps, hydrology data, land presence data, open street map data, satellite images), and many field surveys were also conducted. In the study, a total of 43 habitat types were identified. While 29 of those habitats were determined at level 3, 14 of them were at level 4. Besides, it was determined whether those 43 habitats were on the EU Habitat Directive Annex 1 and/or Bern Convention Decision No 4 lists. This research presents the importance of determination of habitat type studies for cities. Besides, it is emphasized in the paper that the necessity of having such studies should become widespread across the country.


EUNIS, GIS, habitat classification, habitat mapping, Mamak

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