Growth of larval anchovy (Clupeiformes: Engraulis encrasiclus L.) in İskenderun Bay, the Northeastern Mediterranean

Sinan MAVRUK, Ahsen YÜKSEK, İsmet SAYGU, Dursun AVŞAR


In this study, growth patterns of larval anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus L., 1758) was investigated based on otolith microstructure analyses and a meta-analysis of previously recorded growth rate estimates. For this purpose, samples were collected from Iskenderun Bay, the northeastern corner of Levant Basin, between 21-22 April 2017 and stored at -20 °C. The average temperature weighted with the abundance of larval anchovy was 18.0 ±0.24 °C (± standard deviation). In context of the study, a total of 76 larvae were investigated, standard lengths (SL) of which ranged between 2.78 and 18.61 mm with an average value of 8.24 ±3.35 mm. The number of increments on the sagittal otoliths (A) ranged from 4 to 30 with an average value of 13 ±7. No significant difference was found between the morphometrics of left and right sagitta. Positive allometric relationships were detected between otolith radius (OR) - SL (OR=0.33SL1.87; R2=0.87) and OR - A (OR=0.95A1.24; R2=0.75). The length at age relationship was SL=2.87+0.47A (R2=0.85). In the meta-analysis, larval anchovy growth rates varied in a wide range without a clear spatial pattern regardless of coupling temperature conditions.


Engraulidae; Levant Basin; otolith morphometry; otolith growth; somatic growth

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