Some population dynamic parameters of Northeastern Mediterranean (Iskenderun Bay) threadfin bream, Nemipterus randalli Russell, 1986



This study was carried out for the identification of some population dynamical parameters of threadfin bream Nemipterus randalli Russel, 1986 distributed along the Yumurtalik Bay, northwestern Iskenderun Bay. For this purpose, seasonal sampling were made at two stations at 0-10m; 10-20m depth layers between 2018 and 2019. The samples were caught by using a commercial bottom trawl net with 22mm mesh size. A total of 668 individuals were investigated 395 of which were males and 273 of which were females. Fork length ranged from 9.00 to 20.7cm and total weight changed from 18.06g to 176.11g, for all individuals. Length-weight relationships were W=0.017*FL3.043 for males, W= 0.018*FL3.032 for females, and W=0.018*FL3.03 for combined sexes. The growth parameters as L = 34.58cm, K = 0.13 year-1, to= -2.21 year for total individuals. Instantaneous rate of natural (M), fishing (F), and total (Z) mortality were found to be 0.24 year-1, 0.62 year-1 and 0.86 year-1 respectively. The exploitation rates (E) was determined as 0.72 year-1. Therefore the threadfin bream population distributed in Iskenderun Bay can be considered under overfishing pressure.


Nemipterus randalli, Iskenderun Bay, von-Bertalanffy growth constants, mortality rates, exploitation rate

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