Gompertz, logistic and brody functions to model the growth of fish species Siganus rivulatus

Deniz ÜNAL, Hacer YELDAN, Eylem GÜL, N. Deniz ERGÜÇ, Merve ADIYAN


The purpose of this study is to apply the Gompertz, Logistic and Brody models, which are mostly used in literature because of having good capacities to describe growth, thanks to the nonlinear structures. Also compare the mentioned models in terms of the mean squared error and the coefficient of determination criterions. SPSS 20 statistical software package programme is used on the length-age data of the fish species Siganus rivulatus individuals (member of the Siganidae family) (Forsskål, 1775).


Determination Coefficient, Growth Function, Mean Squared Error, Parameter Estimation.

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