Haplotype variations of three Mitochondrial DNA genes in Microtus guentheri (Danford and Alston, 1880)



Synonym site mutations do not cause any changes in the protein sequence, whereas non-synonymous site mutations alter the protein sequence, causing amino acid changes. In this study, the rates of synonymous and non-synonymous substitution (Ks-Ka values) with the mutation and nucleotide variations in the synonymous and non-synonymous were analysed in Guenther’s vole Microtus guentheri (Danford and Alston, 1880) by amplification of three gene region (Cytochrome-oxidase I (COXI), Cytochrome-b (Cyt-b) and 12S rRNA), and haplotype variations were investigated in these genes. Haplotypes were found to be 12, 14 and 7 for the COXI, Cyt-b and 12S rRNA gene regions, respectively. Based on the Jukes and Cantor Parameter (Jukes and Cantor, 1969), the nucleotide diversity values in synonymous and non-synonymous regions were found to be close to each other in the COXI and Cyt-b regions but higher than in the 12S rRNA region. In addition to nucleotide diversity, Ka values in Cyt-b and 12S rRNA regions are generally higher than Ks values (Ka/Ks>1) while Ks and Ka values are very close to each other (Ks/Ka~1) in COXI region.


Microtus guentheri, Mitochondrial DNA, Mutation.

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