Macrofungal Biodiversity of Reşadiye(Tokat) District



Macrofungi have been collected and consumed for medical and nutrition purposes for many years. The chemical substances produced by macrofungi are used in the treatment of many diseases. Studies on the identification of the mushrooms diversity in the world have increased in recent years. In this present study, the macrofungal diversity of Reşadiye (Tokat) region has been revealed. Reşadiye (Tokat) district located to the east of Tokat province has about 11 percent of the forested area in Tokat. The vegetation of the district shows the characteristic of Europe-Siberia and Iran-Turan floristic regions. Fifty three species belonging to 2 divisio, 26 families and 42 genera were identified as a result of field and laboratory studies between 2014-2017 years. Of them, five species belong to Ascomycota, and 48 species belong to Basidiomycota divisions. Species collected and consumed by the local people in the searching area are Morchella elata, Agaricus campestris, Amanita vaginata, Boletus edulis, Marasmius oreades, Lactarius deliciosus.


biodiversity; macrofungi; taxonomy; Reşadiye; Tokat

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