The mammals (Mammalia) of Yamanlar Mountain (İzmir and Manisa provinces) and their ectoparasites



The present study is based on a total of 95 collected specimens and observed individuals on Yamanlar Mountain between İzmir and Manisa provinces and its vicinity. In the surveying area, 22 species were determined from six orders: Erinaceomorpha (1), Chiroptera (7), Lagomorpha (1), Rodentia (10), Carnivora (2), and Artiodactyla (1). On the other hand, 14 species of ectoparasites were found on 10 species of the mammalian hosts: Ixodoidea (6), Mesostigmata (1), Diptera (5), Siphonaptera (2).


Mammalia; ectoparasites; systematics; ecology; Yamanlar Mountain; İzmir; Manisa; Turkey

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