Bacillus velezensis strain MY 83295S: a p,p’-DDT-degrader isolated from a Tropical Irrigation Site

Ya'u MURTALA, Nwanguma Bennett CHIMA, Idris BALA, Lawrence UCHENNA, Sunday EZEANYIKA


Although dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) is prominent in the ban list of the Stockholm Convention on the Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), there is recently an emergence of reports indicating the re-surfacing of residual DDT in the domestic waters and some commonly consumed food items. This indicated a progressive increase in the burden of DDT in the ecosystem. In this paper, we report the isolation and characterization of a bacterial strain with the ability to degrade and utilize p,p’-DDT as a sole carbon source. The strain was isolated from a tropical irrigation site and tentatively identified as Bacillus velezensis strain MY 83295S. This strain demonstrated a mesophilic nature in its aerobic degradation and utilization of the p,p’-DDT contaminant. Additionally, a low Fe concentration enhances the strain’s ability to degrade and utilize p,p’-DDT. While Cu, Pb, Hg, Ag and Cr ions have demonstrated various patterns of an inhibitory effect on the strain’s p,p’-DDT degradation ability. Strain MY 83295S showed a great potentiality for the bio-decontamination of the p,p’-DDT, and its eventual application in the bioremediation process.


Bacillus, DDT, Bioremediation, Heavy metals, Environment

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