An evalution on species of Vespidae and Apidae (Hymenoptera) collected by bait traps in fig orchards of western Turkey



This study was conducted in Western Turkey in 2016 using two different types of fermented bait traps: fig bait traps and wine bait traps. As a result of the study, a total of nine species, seven from Vespidae family and two from Apidae family, were caught. When the samples caught were evaluated according to the type of trap used, a total of 2919 samples belonging to both families were caught, 1028 (35.22%) with wine bait traps and 1891 (64.78%) with fig bait traps. The number of species caught with wine bait traps is eight, and the number of species caught with fig bait traps is nine. Separately, 317 (33.87%) of 936 samples in the Vespidae family were caught with wine bait traps and 619 (66.13%) with fig bait traps. The proportional superiority seen in fig bait traps is also valid for Vespinae (64.05%) and Polistinae (75.44%) subfamilies. Also, 64.15% of the species in the Apidae family were caught with fig bait traps and 35.85% with wine bait traps. The most caught number species is Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758 (67.52%), and it is thought to be beneficial to carefully consider the issue by fig producers and beekeepers in order to prevent bee losses caused by bait traps, especially in areas where mobile beekeeping is performed.


Bait traps, Ficus carica, biodiversity, fauna, Turkey

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