The northernmost expansion and first record of lessepsian black-barred halfbeak, Hemiramphus far (Forsskål, 1775) in the Sea of Marmara, Türkiye

Oğuzhan AYAZ, Adnan AYAZ, İsmail Burak DABAN


This study reports the northernmost expansion of the Black-barred halfbeak in the Mediterranean, which was previously reported around the Central part of the Aegean Sea coasts of Türkiye. On 29th of June 2024, one adult female individual was caught in the stationary uncovered pound nets located at Çardak, Sea of Marmara (SoM). The specimen has hydrated oocytes larger than 1.201 µm, and is detected as 2+ years old by sagittal otolith readings. The occurrence of that species in the SoM, characterized by less saline and colder waters, suggests that its range of expansion could further increase in the future. However, it should be confirmed with more records in the SoM, due to the complex two-layered structure.


Lessepsian, distribution, Suez canal, halfbeak, Marmara Sea

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