Edible wild herbaceous plants consumed in Giresun province

Nebahat Şule ÜSTÜN, Aysun PEKŞEN, Sanem BULAM, Harbiye DURAN


Giresun province of the Eastern Black Sea region has a rich biodiversity in terms of vegetation. The edible wild herbs collected by people living in rural areas are sold in the local markets of Giresun. In the study, the herbs sold in the local markets of Central, Bulancak and Şebinkarahisar districts of Giresun province having different climate and geographical characteristics were determined and identified during 2015-2016. As a result of interviews with vendors and consumers of wild herbs, local names, edible parts and consumption patterns of herbs were determined. In our surveys, it was found that 28 edible wild herb species belonging to 13 families were sold as vegetables in local markets of Central, Bulancak and Şebinkarahisar. Polygonaceae family was the most common family with 6 taxa. In three of the local markets, Smilax excelsa, Trachystemon orientalis, Urtica dioica and Portulaca oleraceae were predominant species. Ornithogalum umbellatum was the most widely sold species in the Central and Bulancak district local markets whereas Polygonum cognatum was the most widely sold species in Şebinkarahisar district market. It was determined that the edible wild herbs sold in the local markets have a great diversity and its richness has reflected in Giresun cuisine. The consumption of these herbs is of great importance in term of human nutrition as well as economic perspective of local people.


Edible wild plants, Giresun, Local markets, Consumed parts, Consumption patterns

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