Environmental problems and precautions of Iskenderun Gulf in Eastern Mediterranean region



During Iskenderun Bay, located on the northeast corner of the Eastern Mediterranean, is under threat of pollution because of fishing, shipping and discharge from industrial enterprises scattered along the coast. The Bay is one of the regions where continental entrances are most concentrated in the Northeast Mediterranean. The Bay is also exposed to intensive environmental disturbances due to industrial enterprises, residential units, river discharges, and shipping traffic. Nearby fishing cages are increasingly becoming operational in the bay. All of these activities increase the discharge of nutrients into the water that could create an environment suitable for the development of phytoplankton. The bay is polluted because it is a closed sea like Iskenderun Bay, Gulf of İzmir and İzmit. The wastes of the other countries located on the Mediterranean Coasts are also being dragged into İskenderun Bay. The ships coming from different countries discharge their ballast waters to the Bay. Therefore, Iskenderun Bay's pollution problems are increasing every year. Furthermore the Iron-Steel Establishment causes acid rains on the Northern Region of Iskenderun Bay. The Mediterranean coastline must be protected and waste water treatment should be carried on along the coastline to prevent of pollution in Iskenderun Bay. An adequate national policy should be established on waste collecting facilities and sufficient waste collecting facilities should be established by various institutions, organizations and companies in the ports. In iron and steel factories, air pollution of harmful gases should be prevented through flue-filter systems.


Iskenderun Bay, Pollution, Wastes, Precautions, Eastern Mediterranean Region.

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