The chemical composition and the ultrastructure of the nest paper of Polistes dominulus (Christ, 1791) and Polistes nimpha (Christ, 1791) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in Adana Province (Türkiye)



The nest architectures are important for the classification of Vespidae.  There are both intraspecific and interspecific differences in nest architecture and its ultrastructure. In this work, the properties of materials used in the nest construction of Polistes dominulus (Christ, 1791) and Polistes nimpha (Christ, 1791) were picked from Adana province (Türkiye) were determined and compared. Although the nests of the two species are architecturally similar, microscopic examination revealed differences in structural features. Differences in fiber thickness, amount of oral secretion, water holding capacity, amount of oil, and chemical elements were determined. As a result of elemental analysis, C, O, N were determined as major elements and Si, Ca, Mg, Al, Fe, Cl, and K as minor elements. Differences may be due to the choice of nest material by the wasps.


Paper wasp, nest material, Adana, Turkey

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