A review of climate change-induced migration

Abuzer ÇELEKLİ, Sidar YAYGIR, Özgür Eren ZARİÇ


Humanity has been in constant motion since its emergence. The process of change and mobility, which is defined as “migration”, is based on many economic, social, cultural, and political reasons. It is possible to count environmental issues among the reasons for migration. Today, as a result of climate change, which is one of the most important global problems, climate migration has started. This link between the environment and migration has been exacerbated by climate change, which might have far-reaching consequences for millions of people. In this review, information about climate migration, climate change, global migrations, and their results was collected; causes, results, and solutions to this problem are sought. This study focuses on the time dimension as well as the spatial dimension and the severity dimension, which are crucial to understanding the global problems.


Climate Migration, Climate change, Migration, Sustainability

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